May Update!

Somehow May has arrived with it’s usual whirlwind of spring and end of school activities, and there’s so much to tell you! We have been finishing up grad party and Mother’s Day custom gifts, designing new home decor and nursery signs, AND gearing up for a fun, crafty, delightful summer! Here’s what’s coming and what’s been happening…

ice cream hello summer paint party


Join us for a night out and paint a fun “Hello Summer” door hanger. These are 11 inch round and you can paint it using your favorite ice cream & summer colors! Choose from two nights:

Thursday, May 23rd or Thursday, May 30th at 6:30 p.m.

Price is $25, with a portion of the proceeds going to HUGS For Hugs 4 Tomorrow, to feed and educate kiddos in Malawi, Africa.

Click on over and reserve your spot now!


We were part of York General’s second annual Baby Fair this year, and I had so much fun designing new baby wall/door hangers and nursery decor. Below are a couple of the designs, and you can see more in the shop or on the website

baby nursery door or wall hanging
baby nursery door or wall hangin
baby nursery door or wall hangin

Don’t forget – custom is my FAVORITE, so if you have an idea for a door/wall hanger, inspirational sign or anything else, just stop by or text/email and let’s create something fun!


To go along with the Baby Fair, we have added several new Baby Safari Door Hangers craft kits. You can choose from a Giraffe, Hippo, Tiger, Elephant, and Monkey! These 10 inch round door hanger kits are available in the shop now, and will be up on the website by next week. (Elephant not pictured, because we sold it before we took a picture!)

And we added to our list of Stitch Kits too! We have several new flower options, and dinos too! Stitch kits are SO popular with kiddos, and we hope to keep adding to our available designs. (AND I can’t wait to show you what’s on the drawing board next for adults – think larger wood wall hangings/embroidery combos!)  But for now, these new stitch kits for kids are available in the shop now, and I’ll get them on the website by next week. Email me if you need a link right away! 🙂

stitch kits


I read the other day that there are a record number of weddings happening this year. Apparently May and October are the busiest months this year for weddings. I have definitely noticed an uptick in wedding sticker and favor orders online. And we recently made six wedding signs in one week for local bridal showers! Here’s one of our new custom designs for wedding gifts. You can order these custom signs in the shop or on the website:

custom wedding sign


And finally, while I didn’t get this new item advertised (by email) in time for Mother’s Day gifts, I am SO excited about this new design that is perfect for Moms and Grandmas, ANYTIME. It’s a custom Birth Flower Bouquet Sign, with the flowers of each child or grandchild included in the bouquet. We have both sepia and white cardstock options available, and the dark brown frames are gorgeous. I have made several of these this month, and it’s SO MUCH FUN to digitally put together a beautiful bouquet. Each one is completely custom and unique, and I just love how they turn out. 

mom or grandma custom sign

I feel like there are a million more things to tell you, but I’ll close for today. It’s been a BUSY, fun month of designing and creating. I hope you’ll join us in the shop or online, to shop or craft soon!

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