Make and Take – FREE Lego Mini Figure Ornament

We’re excited about Yorkfest this year, and the theme of Lego and Building Community Connections! In the spirit of that…on Saturday September 11th, we’re offering a FREE Make and Take (while supplies last). Come in between 9 and 2 p.m. and get one free Lego mini figure ornament. You can color it in our DIY Party room, or take it home to color/decorate.

Rainbow Weave/Wrap Make and Take

Come join us for our first “Make and Take” event! This is a fun, simple craft project that makes a lovely wall hanging. Start with a simple rainbow cut-out, wrap different colors of yarn, and ta-da – Rainbow Wall Hanging!

We will have both white acrylic rainbows and wood rainbows, depending on your preference. We’ll supply the rainbow cut-out and will have lots of colors of yarn to choose from, so you can personalize your rainbow!

Date: Saturday, August 14th
Time: 10:30 a.m.

Sign up to reserve your spot HERE!

Exciting News!

After over 20 years working from home, we’re making some HUGE changes with my business. Delight Design has been run from corners of bedrooms, nooks and crannies, basement offices, and wherever I could find room to run it in whichever home we lived in. But now, for the first time ever, Delight Design is getting it’s own brick-and-mortar, outside of the home, downtown location! We are now located at 516 N Grant Avenue, (next to the Boot and Repair shop) on the town square. The BEST part about this space, is not only will it be a much larger office for me to run the business, but it will also include a retail space AND a small party room for crafting of ALL kinds!

Excitement is too mild a word to describe what I’m feeling about this, and even though I’m usually known for having plenty of words, I find myself getting speechless over this new endeavor. It’s everything I ever dreamed, and then some! We’re slowly but surely getting all the pieces in place, and hoping to have (very soft) opening this weekend – June 17th – for York’s Balloon Days and Sidewalk Sales. If you are local, come see us! It will be a tiny sneak peek into what’s to come.

Even though the retail space is still not quite ready, we WILL be open for business in our party room very soon. In fact, on June 24th, we’re planning two craft party events – one at 10 a.m. and one at 2 p.m. I’ll have additional info and an online sign-up/calendar set up by this weekend. A Grand Opening event is being planned for mid-August, with more info to come on that too! So… check back, come see us on the 17th, and get ready for some FUN!

New Delight Accessories Site

New Delight Accessories Site

I’m SO excited to announce the new Delight Accessories website! We’ve launched it with a couple of great categories to start – earrings and keychains, and we’ll be adding SO much more throughout the spring and summer. The earrings and keychains are made from a variety of different woods and acrylics, laser cut and hand-made. Here’s one of my favorites:

And for a limited time (the entire month of April), you can get these Sunflower earrings FREE, when you sign up for our BRAND NEW “Earring of the Month Club“.

So, what is the Earring of the Month Club exactly? It’s a monthly subscription, where we’ll send you a new pair of earrings the first of every month. The earrings will be a surprise each month…and how fun is THAT? Not only will you get an exclusive pair of earrings each month, but you’ll also get a coupon for 15% off the rest of the Delight Accessories shop!

So, just to recap, if you sign up in April, you’ll get a surprise pair of earrings AND the Sunflower earrings the first week of May AND a 15% off coupon. Check out ALL the details HERE.

Besides the fun earrings and the EOMC, we also have added some great Mother’s Day and Father’s Day keychains – perfect for an inexpensive, fun gift!