Daily Prayer Journals – Available on Amazon

Well, 2020 is almost over and I’m a little sad I wasn’t able to complete very many items on my “to do” list for Delight Design.  But, 2020 was what it was, with a lot of stress, anxiety, and everyone-at-home-time which didn’t lend itself to creativity. In addition to that, we dealt with some pretty serious health issues. Thankfully our family is coming out the other side of the health stuff and now that Christmas is over and we’re looking at a new year in just a couple of days, I’m taking a big breath and tackling the long overdue list in a fresh and hopeful way.

SO! I’m so excited to be adding new journal and planner designs to Amazon. Earlier this year, I designed several new Prayer Journals for Laura at Heavenly Homemakers. These five designs are currently available for purchase on Amazon and I’m working on adding Daily Planners to match!

A couple of them show the inside, but not all five do, so here’s a quick look at the simple inside design:

I love designing more than most anything else, and am hoping to get busy with a variety of new collections and themes for 2021. I’ll be adding new stickers and favors to the shop, as well as listing all the new items on zazzle, red bubble, amazon and more! Happy New Year!

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