Delight Printables Friday Freebie

As I mentioned in the last post, 2020 was … what it was. And it’s time for a fresh start with a lot of grand plans that didn’t quite come to pass last year! The first of those plans is to offer Friday Freebies over on Delight Printables – free printables every Friday in all kinds of themes and options. Today we’re kicking this off with the item shown below:

Monkey Valentine’s Day Printable Mini Cards

Just sign up with your email to get the free printable! You’ll get the Friday Freebies by email, and any info about new products and fun projects on both the Delight Design and Delight Printables sites.

And speaking of new products, I’ve been adding new printables to the Delight Printables shop, specifically for Valentine’s Day! I just have a few designs up, but hopefully by next Friday, there will be tons more to choose from.

Click to check out the Valentine’s Day page

Happy Friday!

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