No Fear Friday – Psalm 55:22

Give all your cares to the Lord and He will give you strength.
He will never let those who are right with Him be shaken.
Psalm 55:22

This week’s No Fear Friday scripture is such a simple, but powerful one. Our strength comes from God. He gives us what we need, when we turn over our cares and troubles. I like the small but important word “all“. Give ALL your cares to Him. Not some of them. ALL. For a type A, first born, high achiever this one is a hard one for me. I keep thinking I can fix things in own strength. And that would be a hard NOPE. I can’t. Thankfully God says, “give it to me, I’ve got it”.

Here’s a phone wallpaper/background you can download. Just click the image below, and then save it to your phone or computer.

No Fear Friday – Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right
Isaiah 41:10

It’s been a rough week – lots of ups and downs and in betweens, with kids sick and school frustrations, with financial challenges, and just… life challenges. I’ve had to capture my “anxiety” thoughts more times than I can count this last week.

So, this week’s verse is a comfort to me. God is with us. He is our God. And he will strengthen and HELP us. He will hold us in his hands. I don’t know about you, but there are times when I wish I could just crawl up into His heavenly lap and cry for awhile. The thought that he PROMISES to be there, to help me and to hold me in his hand? That’s just what I need today. Maybe you do too?

If you’d like to have this week’s phone wallpaper/background, you can get it by clicking on the image below:

I hope you feel comfort if you need it… strength when you are weary… and a certainty of his presence in moments of fear and anxiety and dismay.

No Fear Friday – Psalm 18:2

The Lord is my ROCK, my FORTRESS and my DELIVERER; my God is my ROCK in whom I take refuge, my SHIELD and the horn of my salvation, my STRONGHOLD. Psalm 18:2

I don’t know about you, but one of my deepest needs is to to be cared for. And not just cared for…but protected, covered, not left alone to flounder. Today’s No Fear Friday scripture is exactly what I need to remember in those moments when I feel alone, feel afraid, feel anxious about what’s happening…or not happening. God is our rock, our fortress, our deliverer, our refuge, our shield, our salvation and our stronghold. Thank you God for being ALL that we need in our moments of fear and weakness.

I made another phone background to go with this scripture. I was amazed and so thankful through the week to have last week’s scripture right in front of me every time I unlocked my phone. I may be alone in this, but I unlock my phone to look at something about a hundred (or two) times a day, so that’s a LOT of quick reminders of God’s word, right there at my fingertips.

You can click the image below and download to save to your phone for your wallpaper. Let me know if you have any issues!