No Fear Friday – Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

I am so thankful for No Fear Fridays, because almost every week, I think “Wow, it’s been A WEEK!” There are so many things happening these days that cause stress, anxiety, concern, exhaustion… and No Fear Fridays have become a way for me to stop each week and REALLY think about what God’s promises are for me in the midst of ALL the things. This week’s verse was perfect for my Friday. (I have these verses already planned out in a list for the entire year, and it seems like each week the verse is JUST RIGHT for my mood, my fears, my life).

So, this verse is from a chapter in Deuteronomy where Moses is telling the Israelites that he (Moses) won’t be moving on with them to the Promised Land. He is naming his successor who will lead the people now – Joshua – and reminding the people that even in this time of transition, God will be there. God will go with them and he will NOT leave them or forsake them. They can TRUST, be strong, have courage and NO FEAR.

There are a lot of “best” things about our God, but one of the best of the best is that He never changes. He is steadfast and faithful, and He is the same God who was with the Israelites then… and who is with US now. So, although these words were given thousands of years ago, they apply to us too. God is WITH us. He GOES with us through all that we go through. He will NOT leave us nor forsake us. You and I can be assured of this, and hold on tight to God’s promise.

If you’d like to download this week’s verse to put as a wallpaper on your phone, just click the image below. I might say it every week, but it’s been such a blessing to have these reminders right there, whenever I open my phone 468 times a day.

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

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