No Fear Friday – 1 Peter 5:7

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

I love when the Bible echoes itself and makes SURE we understand. A couple of weeks ago, the verse was from Psalms, and it mirrored this one. “Give all your cares to the Lord…” “Cast all your anxiety on him…”

I think God’s message is pretty clear. He wants us to give it ALL to him.

“…and he will give you strength” “…because he cares for you”. He will carry us and he loves us. It’s hard to argue (not that we would?), when we realize how much He wants us to GET this.

So, today’s focus? Casting it ALL at Jesus’ feet and letting him love me through whatever is causing fear, anxiety, stress, turmoil. It’s all ON HIM, not me.

As always, if you would like this week’s verse for your phone wallpaper, I’ve designed the graphic. I set it up as a free download when you sign up for my email list (that I’m really trying to get going again… hello New Year’s resolutions!) You can sign up below to be added to email list and get the download!

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